Chaste Tree

Chaste tree (Vitex negundo) is also known as Nirguṇḍī. When taken as an oral supplement (3-5 grams, 2-3 x day) may help treat androgenetic alopecia and telogen effluvium. 62
Physiological Effects and Benefits of Chaste Tree
- Although the roots and flowers of chaste tree are used, in Ayurveda, flowers are recommended for pitta doshas. 174
- Ayurveda experts advise that vata dosha types should avoid chaste tree and kapha doshas should not use excessively. 174
- Good for syphilitic skin disorders.174
- Contains beta-sitosterol, which has both anti-inflammatory and antidepressant properties. 62
Do not use chaste tree with antidepressant, antipsychotic. or progesterogenic drugs. 62
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