The recommended dosage for healthy hair growth is 55 mcg/day. 2
Dietary Sources of Selenium
- Brewer’s yeast 35
- Broccoli 35
- Brown rice 35
- Chicken 35
- Eggs 2
- Liver 222
- Nuts 2
- Meat 2
- Shellfish (e.g., lobster, crab) 2
Physiological Effects and Benefits of Selenium
- Natural anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects. 222
- Necessary for healthy hair growth; however, excess selenium can also cause hair loss. 2, 52
- Selenium deficiency can lead to hair loss. 32
- Part of glutathione peroxidase, an important natural antioxidant produced in the body, which helps protect against free radical damage that promotes thinning hair. 32
- Important for proper thyroid and immune system functioning. 222
Do not exceed 200 mcg/day 35
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If you have hypothyroidism, avoid eating raw and limit cooked servings to no more than 3 per week because it contains a substance that inhibits thyroid function.