Phototherapy (Cold Laser Therapy)

Clinical research suggests phototherapy may help with female pattern hair loss.

Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is FDA-approved. Also known as cold laser therapy, LLLT uses low-level lasers to stimulate hair regrowth with non-destructive, non-ionizing radiation. 79

An independently conducted clinical trial commissioned by the manufacturer and reviewed by FDA investigators was conducted on women with female pattern hair loss. After 26 weeks, 76.4% of 55 experienced over 50% hair regrowth (with 42% achieving over 80% regrowth). Of the 13 patients who had less than 50% regrowth, 7 had over 30%, 3 grew back between 20 and 30%, and 3 had less than 20% regrowth (but no loss). 79

Two 20-minute treatment sessions a week is recommended. Temporary itching is a reported adverse side effect: 79

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In two other rigorous clinical trials, a hand-held lower level laser device (HairMax LaserComb®) has been shown to be effective in treating thinning, including in common male balding and female androgenetic hair loss79324325


Note: eye protection must be worn with laser therapy. 80

Hair Regrowth is Possible
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