Smoking Can Cause Hair Loss

Smoking cigarettes causes damage to hair follicles that can lead to hair loss.

Research shows there is a link between smoking and hair loss. This risk factor appears to be increased when combined with other factors, such as body weight.(71)

Researchers believe that some of the ways smoking causes hair loss include the following:(7172)

Evidence of Link Between Smoking and Hair Loss

Study Details Type of Hair Loss Results
Cross-sectional study involving 600 patients.(71)

Common Male Balding

(Androgenetic Hair Loss)

Significant positive correlation between hair loss and smoking status in men.(71)
Population study involving 740 Asian men aged 40-91 years old.(309)

Common Male Balding

(Androgenetic Alopecia)

Smoking status and current amount of cigarette smoking significantly increased the risk of moderate to severe hair loss.(309)
Retrospective study involving 2 groups of women with PCOS: 217 nonsmokers and 92 smokers.(310)

Female Androgenetic Hair Loss

Smoking affects hormone levels, which can impact hair loss.(8310)

Study results showed that free testosterone levels were significantly higher in the group of smokers. Free testosterone can be converted to DHT, which is linked to increased hair loss.(310)

Cross-sectional study involving 351 Caucasians with hair loss.(311)

Androgenetic Alopecia

Smoking cigarettes combined with a BMI of 25 or more increases the risk of moderate to severe hair loss by 6 times.(311)
Cross-sectional study involving 398 males age 17-72 years old.(312)

Common Male Balding and Grey Hair

Smoking significantly increased the risk of smoking, but did not increase the risk of grey hair.(312)

However, it should be noted 2 other studies found a significant link between smoking and grey hair. Smoking may also be a risk factor for premature (onset before age 30) of grey hair.(313314)

Medical Treatment

Smoking cessation should be the first treatment option, given the many health benefits in addition to stopping any hair loss.(71)

Herbal and Supplement Treatment Options

Animal studies suggest that oral supplements of L-cystine (oxidized form of L-cysteine) and vitamin B6 could help prevent hair loss caused by smoking.(233)

Disclaimer: This website is not intended to replace professional consultation, diagnosis, or treatment by a licensed physician. If you require any medical related advice, contact your physician promptly. Information presented on this website is exclusively of a general reference nature. Do not disregard medical advice or delay treatment as a result of accessing information at this site.
Medical term for hair loss.
Located at the base of the hair follicle, this structure is fed by tiny blood vessels that carry nutrients necessary to grow hair, contains androgen receptors, and controls the hair growth cycle.(68)