Avoid These Herbs, Nutrients, and Foods if You Have a Thyroid Condition

Avoid these herbs, nutrients, and foods if you have a thyroid condition.

Herbalists and medical experts caution against the use of certain herbs and nutritional supplements if you have hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. That's because they may actually make the conditions worse, which in turn may cause more thinning hair.

Recommendations are listed below, and are condition-specific.

Avoid These Herbs, Nutrients, and Foods if You Have Hypothyroidism

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Foods and Spices:

Foods that Suppress the Thyroid

Cruciferous vegetables contain compounds that can suppress thyroid function. Most of the compounds that cause these effects are inactivated when they are cooked, so two or three servings a week are usually tolerable.(69)

Cyanoglucoside vegetables contain cyanide. Although the amount of cyanide in normal serving sizes are not poisonous, the compound is highly goitrogenic and blocks thyroid function. These vegetables should be avoided altogether if you have hypothyroidism.(69)

Avoid These Herbs and Spices if You Have Hyperthyroidism

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Hair Regrowth is Possible
Disclaimer: This website is not intended to replace professional consultation, diagnosis, or treatment by a licensed physician. If you require any medical related advice, contact your physician promptly. Information presented on this website is exclusively of a general reference nature. Do not disregard medical advice or delay treatment as a result of accessing information at this site.
Both Aloe vera and Aloe barbadensis stimulate the immune system and may be best if avoided in early hypothyroidism to preserve remaining thyroid function.(98)
Both types of ginseng stimulate the immune system. Experts suggest it may be best to avoid ginseng in early hypothyroidism to preserve remaining thyroid function.(98)
Astragalus stimulates the immune system. Experts suggest it may be best to avoid astragalus in early hypothyroidism to preserve remaining thyroid function.(98)
Bamboo stimulates the immune system. Experts suggest it may be best to avoid bamboo in the early stages of hypothyroidism to preserve remaining thyroid function.(98)
Burdock stimulates the immune system. Experts suggest it may be best to avoid burdock in the early stages of hypothyroidism to preserve remaining thyroid function.(98)
Leucaena leucocephala.(147)
Melissa officinalis.(147)
Motherwort stimulates the immune system. Experts suggest it may be best to avoid motherwort in the early stages of hypothyroidism to preserve remaining thyroid function.(98)
Calcium inhibits absorption of thyroxine (T4) medication.(37)
Fluoride blocks iodine receptors in the thyroid gland.(37)
Ginger stimulates to immune system. Experts suggest it may be best to avoid using ginger in the early stages of hypothyroidism to preserve remaining thyroid function.(98)
Also known as goitrogenic.(69)
Aloe stimulates the immune system and only needs to be avoided if hyperthyroidism is caused by Graves' disease.(98)
Ginseng stimulates the immune system; only needs to be avoided if hyperthyroidism is caused by Graves' disease.(98)
Astragalus stimulates the immune system; only needs to be avoided if hyperthyroidism is caused by Graves' disease.(98)
Bamboo stimulates the immune system; only needs to be avoided if hyperthyroidism is caused by Graves' disease.(98)
Burdock only needs to be avoided if hyperthyroidism is caused by Graves' disease.(98)
Chrysanthemum only needs to be avoided if hyperthyroidism is caused by Graves' disease.(98)
Echinacea stimulates the immune system; only needs to be avoided if hyperthyroidism is caused by Graves' disease.(98)
Common species include E. sinica, E. equisetina, E. intermedia, and E. gerardiana. Ephedra is also known as Ma huang and is often an ingredient in multi-herb formulas.(178)
Ginger only needs to be avoided if hyperthyroidism is caused by Graves' disease.(98)
Paullinia cupana.(147)
Melissa officinalis only needs to be avoided if hyperthyroidism is caused by Graves' disease.(98)