Antioxidants for Hair Health


Researchers continue to discover compounds in plants and herbs that have potent antioxidant (and other) properties which are beneficial to our health. Some may be familiar to you as spices (such as garlic and turmeric). In general, spices and herbs have some of the highest levels of antioxidants. Many of these botanicals have been used as herbal remedies by traditional medicines (such as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine) for thousands of years—including for hair loss.(6162)

Which Herbs, Vitamins, and Other Antioxidant Supplements Can Help Healthy Hair Growth?

Some herbs and supplements with high antioxidant content that may help thinning hair include:

In addition, essential trace elements (copper, zinc, and manganese). These minerals also help natural antioxidants work properly. Not only are copper and zinc required for the body’s own natural antioxidant defense system, deficiencies in either one can cause hair loss.(3247)

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Present in many herbs and foods, such as carrots, sweet potatoes, saw palmetto, and ginkgo.
3,3¢-dihydroxyisorenieratene, more potent as an antioxidant than other carotenoids.(63)
Present in grape skins and seeds, berries, peanuts, and red wine; also a phytoestrogen that can help regulate androgen sex hormones.(6465)
Rosmarinus officinalis; should not be used in pregnancy.(66)
Primary active constituent in the spice turmeric, derived from the dried rhizome of the Curcuma longa plant; also may be able to help with depression, hypothyroidism, and diabetes.(6466)
A glycoside derivative of the flavanol quercetin.(67)
Allium sativum; can also be used to lower high blood pressure, a common symptom in diabetics.(68)
A traditional herbal medicine from Peru derived from the Croton lechleri tree sap. Translated it means dragon's blood and is extremely high in antioxidants.(61)
Found in soy and red clover; has phytoestrogenic properties.(67)
Also called Eleuthero root. If you have a thyroid condition you may want to avoid using this herb.(10)
A flavonoid from the milk thistle plant.(67)
Hypericum perforatum; also may help relieve stress and mild depression related to hair loss.(61)
Melissa oficinalis; also may help relieve stress related to hair loss.(61)
Found in cruciferous vegetables (e.g., broccoli and Brussels sprouts). Do not eat raw if you have hypothyroidism, and limit cooked servings to 2-3 a week.(6469)
Animal studies suggest turmeric can also help with depression, hypothyroidism, and diabetes. Topical turmeric may help with hair loss caused by seborrheic dermatitis.(70)
One of the most common flavanols in plants; found in apples, berries, grapes, onions, pomegranate, red wine, teas, thyme, and tomatoes.(67)
Dried leaves.
Some texts refer to essential trace elements as oligoelements.(47)