Vitamin C

Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid. The recommended dosage of vitamin C for healthy hair is 90 mg – 2 g/day, 2
Dietary Sources of Vitamin C
- Asparagus 222
- Avocados 222
- Berries 222
- Cherries 222
- Citrus fruits 2
- Green leafy vegetables 222
- Plums 222
- Red peppers 222
- Strawberries 222
- Tomatoes 222
- Wild amaranth 117
Physiological Effects and Benefits of Vitamin C
- Antioxidant protection against free radicals. 2
- Required to synthesize amino acids. 222
- Anti-inflammatory, antiviral, skin healing, and antibacterial properties. 222
- Essential for collagen production in tissue around hair follicles. 2
- Helps in iron absorption and retention. 222
- Strengthens circulatory and immune systems. 222
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