Vitamin A

Vitamin A deficiency and excess vitamin A can both cause hair loss. 29 Doses over 10,000 IU daily (2,000 IU if pregnant) can cause thinning hair. 232
Recommended safe dosages of vitamin A:
- 700 mcg/day for women 2
- 770 mcg/day for pregnant women
- 1300 mcg/day for lactating women 5
- 900 mcg/day for men 2
Dietary Sources of Vitamin A
- Broccoli 2
- Carrots 2
- Dairy products 5
- Dark-colored fruits 5
- Fish 5
- Leafy vegetables 5
- Liver 2
- Wild amaranth 117
Physiological Effects and Benefits of Vitamin A
- Protects hair follicles from free radical damage that can be a cause of hair loss. 2
- Important to the production of keratin and collagen proteins, as well as the process of keratinization, in the formation of the hair shaft. 47
- Helps keep hair moisturized. 5
Daily safe dosage includes vitamin A from dietary sources, isotretinoin, and supplemental intake and should not be exceeded. 2
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If you have hypothyroidism, avoid eating raw and limit cooked servings to no more than 3 per week because it contains a substance that inhibits thyroid function.