Information and Solutions for Men and Women

Ovarian Anti-Androgens for Hair Loss

Birth control pills may help counteract androgen hormones linked to female pattern hair loss.

In women, oral contraception pills for preventing pregnancy can be used to counteract androgen hormone activity to treat female pattern hair loss. Birth control pills are often used in combination with other drugs that suppress hormones secreted by the ovaries.(15)

Some doctors also recommend birth control pills that contain progestin hormones. These are typically prescribed for hair-loss patients who also have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).(15)

Non-birth control drugs that suppress ovarian androgen hormones include:(1530)

  • Cyproterone acetate. A progestin, anti-androgen, and androgen receptor antagonist; usually combined with birth control pills.
  • Gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues. These costly drugs (e.g., leuprolide acetate) work by suppressing luteinizing hormones. They are also used to treat women with hirsutism (e.g., those with PCOS). Studies suggest they work better when combined with birth control pills.

Contraceptive drugs and non-birth control pills inhibit the secretion of both testosterone and DHT by the ovaries. They also increase levels of sexual hormone binding globulin (SHBG), which helps by binding free testosterone and limiting its activity.(1530)

Hair Regrowth is Possible
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Such as Yasmin® and Ortho-Cyclen®.(15)
Produced in the pituitary gland gonadotrophs, luteinizing hormone triggers testosterone production by the ovaries and testes.(105)
Excess hair growth in areas atypical for females (e.g., face, chest, and back).(15)