Green Tea

Three cups a day of green tea (Camellia sinensis) provides
240-320 mg of beneficial compounds that may help with androgenetic alopecia and telogen effluvium types of hair loss. 94
Physiological Effects and Benefits of Green Tea
- Research indicates that green tea leaves contain catechins and tannins (e.g., EGCG and EGC) that inhibit the 5α-reductase enzyme needed to make the hair-loss triggering hormone DHT.
94, 223 - Also contains phytoestrogens, which are not strong enough to act as estrogens but exert some of their positive effects on hair growth. 94-95
- Offers antioxidant protection against oxidative damage from free radicals and improves circulation in hair follicles, both of which can protect against hair loss. 50
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