Topical Treatment Options for Chemotherapy-Induced Hair Loss

Some clinical human studies suggest that topical vitamin D could offer some protection against hair loss from certain types of chemotherapy. These include:(165)
- Cyclophosphamide
- Paclitaxel
Topical minoxidil has been tested in a couple of clinical trials involving cancer patients. Although minoxidil failed to completely prevent hair loss, in one trial patients lost hair slower and grew hair back faster than the untreated group.(163)
Topical cyclosporine-A is a powerful immunosuppressant drug. Preclinical studies suggest that it could also help prevent hair loss caused by a number of chemotherapy drugs. These include:(163)
- Cyclophosphamide
- Cytarabine
- Doxorubicin
- Etoposide
Although the exact mechanisms are unknown, it's thought that cyclosporine protects hair follicles by:(163)
- Blocking proteins that cause hair follicle cell death.
- Stimulating production of the beneficial immune system protein interleukin-1.
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