Ayurveda Nutritional Advice for Thinning Hair

In Ayurveda nutrition must be balanced for healthy hair as well. For example, consuming just the right amount of salty food keeps a vata dosha in balance by slightly increasing both pitta and kapha while mildly reducing vata, but eating too much salty food increases vata and is associated with hair thinning. On the other hand, sweet tastes that reduce both vata and pitta while increasing kapha serve to strengthen hair (if not consumed to excess).174
Ayurveda practitioners recommend adding the following to your diet to treat conditions that can lead to or exacerbate hair loss (with notes if certain doshas should avoid):12, 62, 174, 223, 239
Ayurveda Dietary Recommendations |
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Phyllanthus emblica.
Do not eat raw if you have hypothyroidism disorders since it inhibits thyroid functioning; limit cooked to 2-3 servings per week.
Do not eat raw if you have hypothyroidism disorders since it inhibits.
Avoid cranberry flavored juice drinks that are high in sugar.
Skins and seeds contain resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant that is also a phytoestrogen that can help regulate androgen sex hormones.
Do not consume with mangos, milk, or tomatoes. Avoid if you have stomach ulcers.
High in uric acid and may aggravate gout.
Avoid if you have arthritis or bladder disorders.
Limit to one a day, especially those with pitta doshas; avoid if you have a skin rash.
Pitta doshas should avoid pineapple juice. Do not consume on an empty stomach or within two hours of eating dairy foods.
Do not eat with dairy products.
Do not consume if you have hypothyroidism; goitrogenic food that potently inhibits thyroid function, especially if iodine-deficient.